Our Products


Different environments require different solutions which is why we have developed a wide product portfolio. This enables us to provide you with solutions for applications from light commercial and large industrial to the even more challenging areas of hazardous areas platforms.

Applications : Storage, Industrial, Energy & Utilities.

Standard Approvals : ATEX, IECEx, IP Ratings, FM, VdS, LPCB, BOSEC, EN54-13.

Intrinsically Safe Detector & Barrier Module

Limiting the energy that is being conducted in the potentially explosive area so the energy from anypotential spark is always less than the minimum ignition energy of the surrounding potentially explosive atmosphere. Components of Hazardous Area : Oxidezer, Ignition Source, Flammable Subtances.

Flame Detector

FLAMEVision Triple IR can detect flame existance from the smallest intensity of fire and blackspot. Linear Heat Detector Reliability Choice of IR array or enhanced Triple IR solar blind technologies.

  • Optimum protection in all weather conditions maintains sensitivity through heavy rain, snow, fog and
    morning dew.
  • Use in Hazardous explosive atmospheres, Intrinsically safe.
  • Continually monitor all electronics and perform regular optical window tests.

Linear Heat Detector

The ProReact range of digital linear heat detection cables is designed to trigger a response when a specific temperature is reached.

If the temperature surrounding the cable reaches the activation temperature the two cores quickly come into contact and trigger an alarm.

Applications : Power generation & Oil and Gas industries, Cold Storage, Tunnels, Cable Trays, Warehouse

  • Cable based sensing allows detection at the point of risk.
  • Low material, installation, maintenance and repair costs of ownership.

